The Copyright Plugin for WordPress

Current Version: 1.1

The Copyright Plugin automatically keeps your WordPress page copyright notices up to date. It insures that the copyright notice for each page (be it a single page or an index) includes the earliest date of publication as well as the current date.

For enhancement requests and bug reports, please contact us.


Copyright Plugin 1.1 for WordPress has been tested with WordPress versions from 2.0.10 through 6.2.2. If you have success using this plugin with another version of WordPress, please let us know.


    1. Download and open the archive
    2. Upload copyright.php to your WordPress plugins folder
    3. If you do not use English as your primary language, and your localization is supported, also upload the .mo file for your locale. For example, if you want to use the Italian language localization of the plugin, also upload
    4. Edit your template and insert the following code where you want the copyright notice to appear (probably the footer):
if( function_exists( 'pjlCopyrightGet' ) )
  echo pjlCopyrightGet();
    1. Edit your template files index.php and archive.php and insert the following code inside each post loop, after each call to the_content():
if( function_exists( 'pjlCopyrightMin' ) )
    1. In your WordPress Plugins control panel page, activate the Copyright plugin.
    2. (Optional) In your WordPress Options menu you should see an options page for the Copyright plugin. By default the copyright text includes your blog name; you may want to change this.
    3. (Optional) If you have external static pages not maintained in the WordPress database, you may add the following line before you call the code that displays your copyright in order to set the start date for the copyright. For example:
<?php $page_copyright_start_date = "1996"; ?>

Revision History

1.1: May 13, 2007

  • Internationalized the plugin.
  • Provided an initial Italian language localization.
  • Tested with WordPress 2.0.10.
  • No known bugs.

1.0: April 2, 2007

  • Initial release.
  • Tested with WordPress 2.0.6, 2.0.9, 2.0.10, and 2.1.2.
  • No known bugs.

0.9 beta: March 3, 2007

  • Initial public beta release.
  • Tested with WordPress 2.0.6 and 2.0.9.
  • No known bugs.